Sunday, November 21, 2010

Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Who: Me
What: Starting a blog
When: Now
Where: In the magical land of Los Angeles where everyone is famous and the streets are paved with gold. Realistically, I live in the Valley, in fact the northern end of the Valley, where most Angelinos have never been. It is a combination of all things beautiful and ugly that represent L.A. but with a smaller town feel. I live in the hills where it can seem like I am a million miles from the city, especially after a wild wind clears away the smog to expose the mountains hidden underneath. However, the sound of the freeway is always in the background and the sweet smell of orange blossoms in the air always mixes with the smell of car exhaust. It's home and I love it.
Why: To fill all the spare time I, that's not it. I have work (I'm a home health nurse that takes care of ventilator dependent quadriplegics), school, 3 kids, their school, a husband, his work, a dog, a girl scout troop, 3 crazy sisters, 1 painfully normal brother, an overly doting yet slightly neurotic mother, a gigolo father, etc. etc...No, I think the reason I want to start a blog is to have an outlet for the running commentary I have in my head. I don't know if it's growing up in the land of screenplay writers that is the cause but I always feel like I'm brainstorming a pilot for a sitcom and constantly making mental notes  on how the scene should roll. Let me point out that I am by no means a writer! In no way shape or form! I am a card carrying member of the grammatically challenged club and must spell check my text messages because whatever crazy form of phonics is working up in my brain, is not the one english speaking humans understand. I have no desire to work in the entertainment industry, which we in L.A. just refer to as "The Industry" because there cannot possibly be any other industry remotely as important, so it must be THE INDUSTRY. Wait, I totally just lied....I do have reason to be a part of that mad house, it's a little something call Motion Picture Health and Welfare (do angels sing in the background when you say it too?) It is the epitome of health insurance. It's amazing. I think they may even cover eyebrow threading and Brazilian blow outs but that's just a rumor. Anyways, back to why? The answer, I think I'm witty, I think my life is interesting and it completely fulfills my narcissism. Not to mention that with such a busy schedule it would be nice to have some sort of record of my children growing up, the funny things they say, the fun things we do and the inappropriate stories of my sister Wendy (you'll thank me after Wendy's car detailing story). The past few years have flown by and I already feel like I have forgotten so much. I hope this blog can be a journal of sorts for myself and my family and if anyone else happens to be lucky enough to stumble upon it. So, in the words of the great Mary Poppins.... "Off we go"!